Call for nominations: Media Director of the Year

Do you work in the presence of greatness?

As part of strategy’s 2011 Media Agency of the Year (MAOY) competition, we are opening nominations for Media Director of the Year to the industry.

Don’t let the title fool you – this award is open to any outstanding Canadian media agency exec who goes above and beyond for clients, staff and partners, setting the bar for individual performance and achievement.

Any media agency employee, media seller or marketer/client may submit a nomination. To participate, send the name and job title of the nominee, along with a brief description (300 words max.) of his or her achievements from July 2010 until now, to strategy special reports editor Kelly Gadzala at

Please include details such as account wins, recruitment coups, recession-busting successes, media innovations, service standards or training achievements, etc., as they are relevant to your nominee. Be as specific as possible. Please also include your name and contact information (this will be kept confidential).

The winner will be selected by the MAOY jury and announced at strategy’s Agency of the Year gala this fall.

The deadline for nominations is July 27.

Pictured: Last year’s winner Sheri Metcalfe of Jungle Media with Andrew Saunders of the Globe and Mail.