SILVER: JWT’s Brandaid solution
Started in 2009, the Brandaid Project is a social enterprise that launches new brands from poor countries. When it began, it focused on branding and launching artisan microenterprises in Haiti.
JWT created a direct mail campaign soliciting the help of advertising agencies, their clients and sponsors. It sent one-of-a-kind works of art (created by Brandaid artisans from different countries) to presidents and creative directors. Each artisan object was selected based on fit with one of the agency’s top clients. Attached to these works of art was a recruitment DVD that challenged agencies to help.
The DVD pointed out that it’s fairly easy to build brands for big, multinational clients but wondered if the agencies were good enough to build brands for small, impoverished artisan communities. JWT used the television ads the agencies had created for their own clients to make the point.
Five agencies and numerous creative volunteers have come forward to participate in the launch of new brands. JWT also helped create some of the brand identity elements for two artisan communities and helped complete banner ads, viral videos and webisodes – the first integrated marketing program ever for an artisan microenterprise.
These efforts contributed to landing a major order with Macy’s (called Heart of Haiti) that launched in October 2010. The Macy’s deal reignited the prospects for the artisan sector in the country and demonstrated a new brand and marketing-oriented development model.
The Brandaid Project is anticipating the launch of multiple brands from Haiti and other countries over the next 18 months – with the creative support of committed agencies.
ECDs: Martin Shewchuk, Paul Wales
ACD, Art Director: Andy Brokenshire
ACD, Copywriter: Dean Hore
Agency Print Producer: Geraldine McMulkin
Printer: 24/7 Integrated
Editors: Andy Attalai, Mark Crain
Studio: Jamie Miller
Crate Makers: Wodden Design
Other winner in CSR Category: Gold for John St. – Stanfield’s Guy at Home in his Underwear.
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