Hyundai gets positive

Early last year, Hyundai underwent a recall with its Elantra Sedan, having removed tens of thousands of vehicles in the US as a result of a faulty front airbag. While no Canadian cars were on the chopping block, it seems that consumers north of the border are still weary of the brand’s products.

John Vernile, VP of marketing, Hyundai Canada, says that gloomy consumer opinion is why the Canadian arm of the auto brand decided to launch its new marketing message of “New Thinking. New Possibilities.” with five TV spots created by Innocean Worldwide Canada and placed by ZenithOptimedia.

“While the brand metrics have improved considerably over the past three years, some Canadians still believe that our products are not well-made and consequently they don’t consider us when they’re in the market to purchase a new vehicle,” he explains.

Vernile goes on to say that the brand opinion is not increasing at a fast enough pace to satisfy the brand, adding that it needed to “put some steroids” into its effort to eradicate the negative misconception Canadians have of Hyundai.

The new commercials, which will be placed on channels including CTV, Global and CBC in English Canada, as well as on TVA, SRC and RDS in French Canada, feature one of five Hyundai vehicles in a test facility with the narrator explaining the advanced technology and it’s engineering. The spots end with the car being reversed out of the testing grounds and into a garage driveway with the line, “from our test facility, to yours.”

Additionally, there will be print ads in publications such as Maclean’s, l’Actualité and Food and Drink as well as limited online ads and a prominent presence on its social networks. The brand is looking to reach an audience of 25- to 54-year-olds, says Vernile.

“What is going to distinguish this campaign from others is the creative consistency across the various executions,” Vernile says. “So, by the time this campaign is finished in June, I believe that the brand awareness will resonate very strong with consumers because of the consistent look and feel, and the consistent message across all five executions.”

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