AOY 2015: Only one week to go

The clock is ticking for strategy‘s 2015 Agency of the Year competitions. If you want the chance to bask in agency glory, you have only one week left to let us know.

The first phase will end Tuesday May 19. If you want to be in the running, make sure to submit ONLY the names of the five (Agency of the Year) and/or three (Media, Digital or PR Agency of the Year) campaigns you plan to enter (each one must include the name of the client, name of campaign, and dates when it was in market) before next Tuesday. You can send your list to Jennifer Horn at

The work must have appeared for the first time at some point during the 12-month period from May 2014 to May 2015. And, as in previous years, entries must be campaigns for five/three different brands, cannot include self-promotional work, and must be Canadian (if it’s a global campaign created here, it must have appeared in this market).

As announced last year, strategy will enforce a no double-dipping rule again this year, requiring agencies that would like to be in the running for Agency of the Year and Digital Agency of the Year to submit unique campaigns for each competition. Contenders will not be allowed to submit a case study for a single campaign in both the Agency and Digital contests.

For Digital AOY, please note that the case studies (in addition to the challenge, insight, plan and results) must also include elements relating to:

– The technology and tools (stipulating what specific digital/mobile/social tool was chosen and innovatively used)
– The user experience (detailing the challenges in terms of the user’s experience)
– Supporting channels (what traditional media was used to support and how the digital component was the focus of the overall campaign success).

Also, due to the increased costs of producing these awards, there is now an entry fee of $500 (this is a cost per agency for each award category, not per case. So if an agency is entering both AOY and DAOY, the total cost will be $1,000).

Strategy will follow up with details on uploading cases, which will take place in early July.

To read about last year’s winners and learn more about the awards, click here.