Rethink bakes a festive ping pong table
Last week, the editorial staff over here got a tasty package in the mail. It was delicious, yes, but we kinda had to have blind faith in the folks at Rethink when we ate it — you see, we weren’t quite sure what we were eating.
We knew that it smelled of ginger and that the blue colour was most certainly frosting, but we weren’t sure if we our imaginations were big enough to figure out what giant whole the small, square piece of gingerbread was a part of. Was it a giant Smurf puzzle? Did it make up the “R” in Rethink? Or what it simply just a square, with no backstory to tell?
Well, the mystery was solved last week when the agency released a video of the ginger piece’s owner: a regulation-size ping pong table made from 50 square feet of gingerbread and 15 kg of icing.
[iframe_youtube video = “XYda7SbqflQ”]
Turns out we didn’t have a big enough imagination after all – we definitely would not have guessed, especially when they told us that the shop lives by a belief called the Ping Pong Ball Theory, which is essentially about clear communication. “Throw one ping pong ball to someone and they’ll catch it. Throw five and they won’t catch any,” stated Rethink in a note, which appears at the beginning of the video.
Good thing they shared the ginger love by breaking the table into 1000 pieces it send away, because this big boy comes in at 200,000 calories (which equates to approximately 700 hours of playing Ping-Pong to burn it off, according to the agency).
Where’s Aldo?
His work attire (typically) doesn’t include a red-and-white striped shirt and bobble hat, but he is just as surreptitious in chaotic environments. The Waldo of advertising is none other than Aldo Cundari (how did they not think of this before? Or maybe they’ve been sitting on this as an inside joke for some time now?).
He’s MIA and it’s your mission — if you choose to accept it for the chance to win tickets to a Leafs game — to find him and a bevy of other items in this mess of an office scene. Is he taking a break in the “medical marijuana only” smokers room? Perhaps he’s just helping to put out a fire in production (or that one in the front-level boardroom where Mr. December has set some female hearts, and loins, alight). There are no secrets in advertising anymore.
Elemental hooks you up with the nearest Santa
“We get what we want, when we want it, wherever we want it.”
The guy in this video from Elemental has a point. If a child wants a puppy (for a day) but her parents are too busy to pick it up from the store — Uber to the rescue! Need a date for your ex’s wedding? Tinder’s got you covered. So why wouldn’t we be thrilled at the idea of being able to request a Santa to help during moments of distress?
[iframe_youtube video = “PD7RxeLSoIw”]
Go Santa was created by the merry folks at Elemental to bring the cheer of good ole’ Saint Nick to people at the tap of an app. The geo-location service delivers a Kris Kringle right when you need one, such as at dinnertime when the kids get surly, when heartbroken folks need a pick-me-up, or even during boring brainstorm boardroom meetings.
A new holiday soundtrack from OneMethod
If you’ve ever happened upon OneMethod’s “MethLab” after regular work hours (and we mean way after), then you’ve probably also woken up the next morning with jelly legs and a tight tush. Folks, before your mind goes to some weird place, we want to explain that these physical after-effects are a result of a night of dancing to beats mixed by the agency’s resident DJ P-Plus.
Now that your heads are out the gutter, we have good news for you: if you have yet to crack a party invite from the shop, you can still enjoy the musical musings of said disc jockey, with the agency’s annual holiday mixtape released for all to hear. It’s also a sweet time capsule of the year that was (and, not surprisingly, Biebs makes yet another appearance).