There’s just under a week left to get your Father’s Day presents in order, and for those of us reaching for the standard tie or socks, Canadian Tire has some other ideas.
A new series of ads builds off the success of the retailer’s campaign last year, centred on the idea of getting dads what they actually want and Canadian Tire’s role in offering the right gifts,
The new spots for this year feature the brand’s spokesperson Gary acting as a radio host offering advice to both frustrated dads and customers with gift idea-block. With each gift option, Gary notes that they were “Tested for Life in Canada,” the retailer’s platform for its products.
The campaign includes 30-second TV spots focused on the truth that our fathers don’t usually get what they really want, with 15-second digital spots playing on the idea that dads never give a straight answer about their wish lists (“don’t worry about it” is not an answer, dads).
Along with the campaign, Canadian Tire has created a hub on its website to help customers select the best gifts based on budget or on their dads’ personas (including “outdoorsman,” “car guy,” and “handyman”).
Taxi led creative on the campaign, with Touché on media.
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