Zabiha looks to reach families with “Sharing Halal”

Zabiha Halal is taking a family-first approach for its sixth year of the “Sharing Halal” campaign.

Central to the leading halal food brand’s 2024 campaign is an uplifting 60-second spot titled “We Believe.” The hero video highlights how traditional Muslim values and beliefs – things like sharing traditions and patience – are universal.

Longform storytelling has proven effective for the brand and has resonated with its target, says Sarah Khetty, marketing director of parent company Maple Lodge Farms. She adds that the creative is all about sharing stories of real Muslims and their experiences in Canada.

Part of getting to the heart of these stories, Khetty stresses, is that all the principals are real people and not actors. In addition to the director, the voiceover work is done by a Muslim too, bringing the correct pronunciation and understanding of “halal” to viewers.

Zabiha Halal, strategy’s 2022 Brand of the Year, has been running its “Sharing Halal” campaign since 2019. The creative has evolved since then, with the brand’s 2021 and 2022 work focused on Islamophobia in Canada and encouraging allyship.

The brand’s latest creative, sees the brand returning to its roots: focusing on family, uplifting stories and leaning in on how “Muslim values intersect beautifully with Canadian values.”

Kicking off during Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice and ahead of Canada Day, Khetty notes, is a great time to talk about shared values.

The Sharing Halal campaign will run until August 11 and includes English and French spots for connected TV, online and social, OOH placements, influencer partnerships, and a landing page at
Sharing Halal’s website. Khetty says that a digital approach has been effective to engage with communities too

This is the first time a major halal brand has been on TV in a big way, Khetty says. The company also has a strong presence in Quebec, given that 25% of the Canadian Muslim population resides there.

Riddoch Communications handled the campaign creative, while King Ursa handled digital and production. Media Dimensions was responsible for media. Craft handled PR and influencer partnerships.