Meet Wood and Graphite, D&AD’s new Pencils

Screen Shot 2014-10-16 at 9.45.11 AMAdmit it. Convincing folks that you won a D&AD award, without actually being given a medal, can be a little exasperating. For years, the London-based organization has abstained from handing out trophies for the “Nomination” and “In Book” titles, but that’s all about to change.

Today, the 42-year-old non-profit introduced to the industry a new set of Pencils: one made of wood and another of graphite. They’re the equivalent of Bronze and Silver, and will be replacing the In Book and Nomination awards, respectively.

“We wanted to make things clearer, but stubbornly, not by adopting the same system as everyone else, for the very good reason that we’re D&AD. We like to be a bit different,” said Tim Lindsay, chief executive at D&AD in a release Thursday.

Work that wins the new Wood Pencil will still be included in the awards annual, and work that’s “beautifully executed with an original and inspiring idea at its core” will be given a Graphite Pencil, beginning with the D&AD’s 2015 Professional Awards, according to the statement.

And in addition to the new pieces, the organization has also added the “Most Awarded” title for any agency, design studio, production company and client with the highest score (calculated using a weighted system with points awarded for each Pencil won), as well as the “President’s Award,” which is a golden Pencil, selected but the D&AD president, and awarded for an outstanding contribution to the industry.