Canadians are reading food labels, seeking organic options outside the grocery aisles and sticking to name-brand beauty products, the eighth annual BrandSpark Canadian Shopper Study has found.
The study surveyed more than 36,500 Canadians, who weighed in on consumer trends and voted on their favourite new products in 55 categories.
Three in four Canadians say they’re paying more attention to food labels and trying to eat healthier snacks, with two in three believing that ‘it is important that a new food or beverage product is made from all-natural ingredients.’
About 25% of Canadians feel it’s important for a new food product they’re purchasing to be organic, but when asked about organic health and beauty and household products, this number climbs to 32%.
Like last year, 64% of consumers consider private labels great value for money, but 68% of Canadians still prefer to purchase brand names when they’re on sale. And although 60% of Canadians think private label food, household and over-the-counter health care products are just as good as the name brand, that number drops to 40% when discussing private label beauty products.
It’s still easy being green, with 84% of Canadians willing to purchase reusable bags (down slightly from 87% last year). But 84% also feel that companies are exploiting environmentally friendly claims for marketing purposes.
Meanwhile, when it comes to the Best New Product Awards (BNPA), frozen fruit, condoms and cat litter topped the list.
Europe’s Best Antioxidant Fruit Blend Frozen Fruit was the overall winner in the Food & Beverage category (as well as Best in Show), while Trojan Fire & Ice Condoms was the favourite in the Health & Beauty category and Arm & Hammer Double Duty Cat Litter was named best in Household Products. For the full list of BNPA winners, visit