Canada can boast two winners of the ADC Young Guns 9 competition.
Homer Mendoza (pictured) and Genevieve Sims placed among 50 winners from 14 countries in the advertising industry’s only global portfolio-based awards program for creatives under the age of 30.
Mendoza works as a senior team leader in digital communications for Standard Life in Montreal, where he began his career as a designer while also moonlighting as a teacher of graphic design at Dawson College. He worked as an art director at Montreal-based Paprika in between stints at Standard Life. Simms is an Edmonton-based illustrator.
Their work will be featured in an exhibition at the ADC Gallery in New York, as well as being published in the ADC Young Guns 9 Annual and added to the permanent ADC online collection. On top of the coveted ADC Young Guns Cube, the pair have also won complimentary one-year ADC memberships, permanent membership in the ADC Young Guns Network, the chance to be featured in Young Guns events and opportunities from competition sponsors Corbis, Behance and Ace Hotel.