View the PDF version of our 2011 marketer survey here, or read on for the text version.
Vital stats
I am:
63% Female
37% Male
I am in the following age bracket:
35% 26-35
33% 36-45
18% Under 26
11% 46-55
2% 56+
My title is closest to:
29% Marketing manager
18% Brand manager
15% VP marketing/director of marketing
13% Marketing assistant
9% Communications manager
5% Ad manager
5% President
2% CMO
3% Business development director
My salary is:
31% 71K-100K
23% 51K-70K
18% 101K-150K
9% 36K-50K
9% 151K-200K
5% 250K+
4% 201K-250K
1% under 35K
My career
In the past year, my salary/compensation (including bonuses) has:
47% Increased less than 20%
30% Stayed the same
20% Increased 20% or more
2% Decreased
My level of job satisfaction is:
50% High
48% Average
2% Low
The length of my work week is:
51% 41-50 hours
34% 51-60 hours
8% 40 hours or less
6% 61+ hours
1% 24/7
The greatest stressor in my job is:
42% Balancing work with family obligations
14% Keeping motivated/inspired
14% Delivering on ROI
12% Staying current on industry trends
7% Staying current on technologies
6% Budgetary
5% Other (our favourite write-in answer: “Answering the 150+ emails I receive every day.”)
The biggest attraction for me when planning a career move is:
56% Opportunity for professional development
10% Chemistry with the people I will work with
9% Support of senior management for marketing department
9% Remuneration/benefits
11% Company’s reputation for innovative marketing
5% Opportunity to advance quickly
My brand
In the past 12 months my marketing budget has:
36% Stayed the same
18% Increased by 6-10%
15% Increased by over 10%
14% Increased by 1-5%
8% Decreased by 1-5%
6% Decreased by over 10%
4% Decreased by 6-10%
In the past year, my marketing department has:
52% Grown in size
39% Remained the same
8% Shrunk in size
In the immediate future, to reach the consumer, the priority for my brand development will be:
28% More strategic partnering to effectively expand reach (icon: handshake)
18% Media innovation/earned media (icon: newspaper)
18% Have a social strategy (icon: mouth)
11% Shopper marketing (icon: shopping bag)
11% Better product innovation (icon: lightbulb)
6% More innovative research (icon: question mark)
When it comes to increasing marketing focus, in 2012 we will spend more money on:
41% Social media
12% Broadband advertising (videos, webisodes)
10% Mobile
8% Shopper marketing
8% Content
8% Other
5% PR
4% Innovative tech (AR, ARGs, 3D, etc.)
1% Gaming/gamification
My agencies
Other than your creative agency, which partner’s support is increasingly important to your brand?
30% Media agency
21% Digital agency
8% Research agency
8% Social media agency
8% PR
7% Promotional
6% Retail agency
5% Design
4% Direct marketing agency
Last year’s top three:
27% interactive agency
22% media agency
11% retail agency
I would describe the relationship with my principal creative agency (including its creative and strategic input) as:
45% Very good
45% Good
8% Average
2% Troubled
I am looking for more from my principal creative agency in the area of:
37% More strategic insight
19% Better creative
18% More integration across marketing disciplines
12% Better collaborate with media agency/dept.
11% More cost-effective solutions
3% More senior-level involvement
In 2012, involvement of my media agency will:
34% Increase
62% Stay the same
4% Decrease
My media agency’s strategic input is:
9% More important than my principal creative agency
76% As important as my principal creative agency
15% Less important than my principal creative agency
The biggest issue facing the marketing industry currently is:
37% ROI pressure
18% Not enough time to manage multi-channel, multimedia-centric programs
12% Integration
10% Marcom breaking through
9% Media fragmentation/costs
9% Developing analytics for new types of marcom
3% Corporate responsibility
2% Other
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