TIFF: Champagne Perrier-Jouet toasts beauty

Returning to the red carpet for its second year as the official bubbly of TIFF, Champagne Perrier-Jouet plans to add its sparkle to the fest with a photo exhibit of the most memorable TIFF moments, says Elisabeth Muir, brand manager, Corby Distilleries.

For the ten-day film festival, the champagne has partnered with restaurant Note Benne on Queen St. to create a photo lounge showcasing images taken by TIFF and celebrity photographer George Pimentel.

“Perrier-Jouet is a brand that really celebrates beauty, whether it is through our iconic bottle with the flower design or the actual champagne itself,” says Muir. “We thought it would be appropriate to toast beautiful moments in film festival history.”

The brand looks to reach high-income consumers aged 25- to 50-years-old, skewing female with a taste for luxury products, says Muir.

In addition to the branded lounge, champagne will also be distributed at main events during this year’s festival, including the opening and closing parties and the Green Room at Roy Thompson Hall.