Telus gives where it lives

Telus, which has 12.6 million customers, recognized a symbiotic relationship between the well-being of the company, its employees and local communities. Because of this, it linked its CSR philosophy “We give where we live” with financial performance and the health of the communities in which it operates.

Through the “TV for Good” and “Phones for Good” campaigns, Telus made a $100 donation to a local community cause for every new Telus TV and smartphone customer. Campaigns, with creative from Taxi, focused on smaller communities where donations would have the largest impact.

It sought the help of employees, retirees and municipal government contacts when selecting the recipient charities, tailoring donations to the needs of each community and supporting specific causes most important to residents.

“TV for Good” was first introduced in 2009 in a few Western Canadian communities, promoting Telus’s satellite TV offerings in areas with low digital TV adoption. Based on a positive response, the program expanded to 35 communities and causes throughout British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec in tandem with the launch of Telus’s Optik TV service, with 12 new “TV for Good” locations to be launched in 2012.

“Phones for Good” was launched in response to the success of “TV for Good,” and to integrate community giving across all Telus products and services. Beginning with two communities in March 2011, the campaign grew to 12 communities across British Columbia and Alberta with plans to launch in 12 more in 2012.

The campaign exceeded expectations. On average in 2011, TV sales were significantly higher in campaign areas compared with all communities where Telus TV was offered – 38% versus 2% above forecast.
The “Phones for Good” community results were 18% above forecast compared to 9% total smartphone growth across Telus.

Telus donated a combined total of $3,733,100 to 22 communities in 2011 (campaigns are still in market and will be paid out in 2012 when they conclude) and funded everything from high-quality pediatric care and social intervention projects to charitable initiatives helping support early detection of breast cancer.

Judges’ comments
“Telus did a great job recognizing an opportunity to integrate corporate responsibility efforts into its core business. I love the locality of the program where Telus customers will see the results of their contributions.”
–Tonia Hammer, Molson Coors

Kudos to Telus for putting their belief in ‘giving where you live’ front and centre. They make the top list [because they] integrate business and cause. Well done Telus!
-Phillip Haid, Public Inc.

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Cause + Action 2012

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