Real Interactive (a division of 6 Degrees Integrated Communications) and KBS+P have won the account to lead a new campaign for relief, development and advocacy organization World Vision.
The MDC Partners agencies will be working together on a new national multi-platform social impact campaign for the organization, aiming to shed light on child labour and trafficking, says Robin Whalen, managing director of Real Interactive.
Whalen previously worked on the World Vision account at her last job at MacLaren MRM and the organization called her at Real Interactive to ask the agency to pitch on the new campaign.
“We threw our hat into the ring and enlisted KBS+P because I knew we would need support in terms of mass,” she says.
The new work, which will launch in the summer 2013, will be different for World Vision because the organization typically focuses on direct response and fundraising, while this will be more of an awareness campaign targeting men and women over the age of 25.
“This work will educate people that these issues exist and shed a light on children doing work that is dangerous, dirty or degrading,” says Whalen. “It is not about getting someone to sponsor, but getting people to understand these jobs are there and the children need help. Creative is at early stages but the intent is for it to be provocative and moving. We are looking to shock the sensibilities of the average Canadian. Trying to expose the realities of what these children live through in a North American context.”
Photo: Buddawiggi, Flickr Creative Commons