Instrument-less music

Physical musical instruments are so passé. That’s the feeling we’re getting from the U.K.’s Imogen Heap, who has her own gesture-controlled gloves to create and perform songs. Generally, Heap plays with a ton of instruments on stage, but with the gloves (and the nearby software that powers the gloves) she can play virtual instruments, freeing up her hands and the stage.

[iframe_youtube video = “6btFObRRD9k”]

Or check out London student Felix Faire, who has created the Contact touch-sensitive musical interface that can be used on any simple surface. With the use of augmented reality, any physical contact with the surface is then manipulated into a melodic note and an accompanying visual display. Looks strangely like a project from Montreal’s Moment Factory, which turned a wall into musical toy for kids at a hospital.

[iframe_vimeo video = “82107250”]

Will touch technology kill the musical instrument? What with wearables growing at such a rapid pace, it’s entirely possible.

Via Stimulant.