Check it out: Boursin throws manners out the window

Boursin’s new campaign wants to show just how in demand its latest flavour is, good manners be damned.

In a new spot by Saint-Jacques Vallée Y&R, a man wants nothing more than to try a little bit of the cheese at a party, but other guests can’t keep their hands off long enough for him to do so.

[iframe_vimeo video = “161478680”]

The spots will air in both English and French as part of a national roll-out of Boursin’s Bouquet of Basil & Chive flavour, a limited-time product for the spring. The campaign will also be supported with a social push around the video on Facebook and with in-store activities.

Fromagerie Bel Canada, which owns Boursin, is also preparing new digital pushes around several of its brands. Late last year, it named TP1 its digital agency of record to develop a new digital strategy for several of its brands, including Boursin, Babybel and Laughing Cow.