Cemetery owner and funeral services provider Mount Pleasant Group is giving people another way to be remembered after they’re gone by making their presence felt at big moments they wouldn’t want to miss.
In an online video, a man is seen preparing greeting cards for various milestones in his grandson’s life that he might miss. But, as the video goes on, the viewer sees that the man is actually recording the messages into the cards, which will play the sound of his voice when they are opened on important days.
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“Hearing a loved one’s voice stirs up emotion in a unique and very personal way,” says Rica Eckersley, CD at Union, the agency that led the campaign. “These recordable cards allow people to be there for the milestone moments they would otherwise miss.”
The cards are available on Mount Pleasant Group’s Facebook page. In addition to the video, the campaign includes a pair of radio spots imagining future milestones they would still be a part of after they’re gone, as well as a full-page newspaper ad.
The effort is the latest for Mount Pleasant Group by Union. While the agency’s early work for the company took a more lighthearted tone by tackling the idea of death head-on, its recent campaigns – such as one focused on creating a “memory box” of items someone would want to be remembered by – have taken a more emotional approach, helping people prepare for death and what comes after. For example, in the latest campaign, the outside of a card for a new baby says, “Turns out, you can love someone you’ll never meet,” while one for graduation says, “You made me proud my whole life and it doesn’t stop there.”
As the call-to-action in the video suggests, the campaign is meant to encourage people to visit Mount Pleasant Group for its funeral pre-planning services by getting them to think about the ways in which they’d like to be remembered.
“People want to be remembered in a meaningful way. This campaign honours the way they can be there for years to come,” said Rick Cowan, AVP of marketing and communications at Mount Pleasant Group.