The LCBO hangs out

With football mania in full swing and post-holiday party season fatigue setting in, the LCBO is thinking many Ontario men will be firmly planted on the couch this month.

So, the retailer has launched its “Switch it Up” campaign to target those couch potatoes and present them with a variety of one-stop shop drinks for all their at-home entertaining needs.

With creative by Cossette and media by ZenithOptimedia Canada, the campaign, which targets men aged 25 to 35, is the first strictly digital effort for the LCBO.

Creative on the campaign’s microsite, presents visitors with three sets of options, such as who they would invite to hang out with their crew (a trillionaire, sportscaster or country singer), to build their own video and then send it off into their social networks to share with friends.

The campaign, which launched this week and finishes on Super Bowl Sunday on Feb. 5, will be promoted through rich media units on sites including TSN, The Comedy Network and YouTube, says Kerri Dawson, director of integrated marketing at the LCBO.

“Our target market’s media consumption is spent primarily online whether through their mobile devices, home or work computers,” she says. “The LCBO has identified various online outlets that reach our target – ones that match general daily interests, for example sports, or humorous or trending videos.”