Not all personal injury lawyers are ambulance chasers looking to make a quick buck – and that’s the negative perception that the Personal Injury Alliance (PIA) is trying to combat with its first-ever ad campaign. The alliance, made up of three top competing law firms (Oatley, Vigmond; McLeish Orlando; and Thomson, Rogers), is joining forces to present a different view of what personal injury lawyers do, putting the focus on the victims they’ve helped, explains Joe Musicco, ECD at Cheil Canada, the agency behind the campaign.
“Increasingly we’re seeing a lot of advertising out there from what we’ll call ‘savvy marketing firms’ but without the experience or substance to really represent people in a way that is ethical, appropriate and puts the best interest of those people at the forefront,” says Musicco, noting that the plan was to elevate the level of discourse.
The media buy, handled by Media Experts, includes radio and television spots across Ontario. A 60-second TV launch spot and three 30-second spots showcase individuals who were former clients of one of the firms and how they’ve coped with the help of their lawyers. This is a departure from the typical personal injury commercial featuring a lawyer talking to the camera about how much money they can get for you, notes Musicco.
A website, will also feature videos that expand on the individual stories, as well as one that gets up close and personal with some of the lawyers from the firms talking about the difficulties victims face and the PIA’s goals in helping them to restore their lives.
Cheil won the business in a pitch late last year, and this is the agency’s first campaign for a client other than Samsung, which it worked with exclusively prior to last fall.
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