Loblaw unites around Thanksgiving


Loblaw has released a new ad in its masterbrand campaign, this time focused on how all different kinds of food lovers can come together during Thanksgiving, regardless of their preferences.

Loblaw launched “Food Lovers Unite,” its first masterbrand platform, at the beginning of the year. The message behind the campaign is that, regardless of how picky someone is about their food or if they do things that would be a major faux pas to most foodies, anyone who cares that much about how and what they eat must be a “food lover.”

A new spot in the campaign, launched for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, continues the message of the launch ad, this time focusing on differences around Thanksgiving foods: eating canned cranberries versus making the sauce from scratch, having an elaborate cheese board or kitschy turkey-shaped appetizers, and reluctantly taking a single Brussels sprout versus loading up your plate. Besides the focus on Thanksgiving meals, the new spot is also different in that features products from Loblaw’s No Name and President’s Choice private label brands, showing customers picking them up in-store before preparing them.

[iframe_youtube video = “kZQtZeNuJ_k”]

Like the launch of “Food Lovers Unite,” the campaign – which was created in-house – is also being adapted for other banners in Loblaw’s market division, based on where the ad is appearing, with the end logo changing to one for Zehrs in southern Ontario and Provigo in Quebec, for example.

