Celebrity CD wish list

“Celebrities as creative directors” is officially a trend, with the most recent additions of Alicia Keys for BlackBerry and Justin Timberlake for Bud Light. And whether these celebs are actually “directing” anything or it’s just a fancy synonym for “endorser,” we thought we’d jump on the bandwagon and suggest a few young Canadians who might want to flex their creative muscles.

Carly Rae Jepsen and Telus: Call her, maybe? Sure, that was the song of last summer, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t squeeze every last ounce of its popularity by becoming Telus’ CD. Teens like Carly Rae. And teens like cellphones. And cellphone plans need to be advertised. A Carly Rae song for every ringtone? Out with the cute animals, in with the pop star.

Michael Cera and Ubisoft: The self-professed videogame geek is growing up. Not growing out of his awkward phase, mind you, but he should consider branching out now that he’s an established celeb. So why not be the creative mind behind a videogame label? We predict a sudden rash of games with a thin, gawky anti-hero who always gets the girl in the end.

Drake and Harley-Davidson: You wouldn’t normally associate a rapper with a motorcycle company, but with Drake’s infamous YOLO (you only live once) motto and Harley’s new Quebec campaign that shows men living life on the edge, it suddenly makes sense. It would help Harley expand from its Sons of Anarchy-esque clientele to a new generation of young fans. Picture Drake casually leaning against a motorcycle in his next rap video.

Ryan Gosling and Guinness: He’s dark, brooding, cool and universally adored. Guinness is dark, brooding, cool and adored, perhaps not universally, but could be with the right celebrity CD. We see black-and-white indie music videos in this beer’s future, with or without Gosling playing a banjo, with or without a shirt on.

Photo by Dance Photographer – Brendan Lally