CASSIES Bronze: Oikos taps into its Greek roots


This story appears in the February/March 2016 issue of strategy.

Bronze: Off to a Good Start

Situation Analysis:

Explosive growth in the Greek yogurt category had attracted a wide array of new players including the heavily supported Iögo along with a re-launch campaign for Liberté’s Greek yogurt, which had resulted in Oikos, the category leader, losing share in 2014. The target was to quickly get baseline sales back into growth and increase market share five points within the first six months of the campaign.

Insight & Strategy:

While the launch target had been an older clientele with a large disposable income, potential for growth existed amongst a younger clientele, particularly in snacking. Hungry for life, connected, seeking new experiences and never wanting to compromise on quality, they valued tradition, expertise, the “real thing.” Oikos was seen as the most authentic brand but was distant and dated.


Launched in January 2015 across Canada with a spend of $3 to $4 million, the television campaign revolved around a series of short daydreams with Greece as a backdrop, triggered by opening an Oikos. On YouTube, a “choose your own adventure” spot had 11 different endings anchored in Greek mythology and culture, while on social, the video resembled a movie trailer. OOH executions tied in with the campaign promoting new flavours while SEM communicated product features.


Baseline sales went from being negative throughout 2014 to 5% for the first six months of 2015. In March, the brand experienced a 21% increase in sales versus the previous year and gained seven share points, increasing the lead over the number two brand from three points to 10. Since the beginning of the campaign, the net revenue of the brand has increased by 10% versus the same period last year.

Cause & Effect:

While the media budget was increased versus the prior year, there were no significant changes in distribution or price points. The digital campaign exceeded all benchmarks, with a reach of over 12.7 million impressions and 5.7 million video views with a completion rate of 55%.


Client: Danone

VP, marketing: Pauline Varga

Marketing directors: Catherine Fortier, Franck Escudier

Senior brand managers: Oriane Adrey, Mélanie Robitaille

Brand managers: Chloé Naccache, Joelle Paquin

Assistant brand manager: Alexandra Kunz

Lead media and digital strategy: Philippe Tremblay

Agency: Saint-Jacques Vallée Y&R

VP, account services: Élyse Boulet

Planner: Maryse Sauvé

Account director: Ariane-Andrée Beaudet

Account managers: Lyne Champoux, Edith Sagbo

VP, ECD: Pierre Nolin

CW: Genevieve Vincent

AD: Jacinthe Archambault

Producer: Emilie Trudeau-Rabinowicz

Media agency: Carat

Production house: 401

Music and sound design: Appolo

Digital executions: Bam