Dr Pepper breaks the bond of twins

Dr Pepper is building off its long-time positioning as the “unique” choice in the soft drink category with a new campaign.

“Too Similar? Too Unique!” takes the Canada Dry Mott’s brand’s “Always one of kind” tagline to a new level.

An online video features Jesse and Brady, a set of red-haired identical twins who share the same favourite everything – at first. Given a Dr Pepper to drink, one of the twins suddenly begins to express his individuality.

“Everything we do on Dr Pepper is to drive [that ‘one of kind’] positioning,” says Susan Lemieux, director of marketing at Canada Dry Mott’s. “We wanted to see what happens when you apply the line to someone who, outwardly, doesn’t look like one-of-a-kind. A sort of social experiment, if you will.”

Lemieux says the Dr Pepper flavour – which is made up  of 23 composite flavours – is distinctive in the category.  She says the campaign plays on this notion by presenting the soft drink as the means to the desired individuality of its millennial target audience. “Where other brands try to group individuals together,” she says, “Dr Pepper tries to communicate what sets them apart.”

“Consumer insights tell us millennials increasingly define themselves by their passions and interests,” Lemieux says. “They want brands and products that help them express themselves and show others who they truly are.”

The video was produced for social media with the campaign running on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. DentsuBos led creative, with Mindshare on media.

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