Check it out: Nightmare on Skittles Ave.

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A street in Toronto has had a bit of colour added to its typical Halloween decorations, courtesy of Skittles.

Six houses on Helendale Ave. near Toronto’s Yonge and Eglinton neighbourhood have been fully decked out in Skittles-themed Halloween decorations, from the brand’s signature rainbow to Skittles spiders. Beginning tonight and running until Halloween, evening visitors to the houses can participate in Halloween activities and receive free candy handed out by costumed Skittles characters.

The event is being co-led by Harbinger and MediaCom.

While much of Skittles’ above-the-line marketing in Canada has relied on adaptations of U.S. creative, parent company Wrigley Canada has made a point in recent years of using on-the-ground executions to help drive relevancy for the brand on a local level. For example, the brand set up a “Holiday Pawn Shop” last Christmas where unwanted gifts could be traded in for free Skittles.

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