Ogilvy, McCann lead Canada wins at the Effies

There were no Golds for Canada at last night’s North American Effie Awards, but Ogilvy & Mather and McCann Canada still managed to pick up multiple pieces of hardware at the show recognizing marketing effectiveness.

Both agencies earned a pair of Silver Effies, with Ogilvy winning for the Huggies “No Baby Unhugged” campaign (along with media agency Mindshare) and McCann for the Chevrolet Spark launch campaign.

Other Canadian winners at the show included BBDO Toronto, Cleansheet Communications, Grey Canada and Leo Burnett Toronto. The full list of Canadian winners can be found below.

Elsewhere at the gala, Y&R New Zealand’s “McWhopper” campaign for Burger King took the Grand Effie.

The 2017 Effies Effectiveness Index has also been released. No Canadian agencies managed to crack the global rankings this year, but Leo Burnett Toronto tied for the 18th spot on the North American index, with Grey Canada and Juniper Park\TBWA both coming in at 36, Rooster Post coming in at 48 and both Alter Ego and Ogilvy & Mather ranking at 78. On the ranking of North American independent agencies, Zulu Alpha Kilo came in at 51.

McCann Canada: 2 Silver


Chevrolet Canada, “Chevrolet Spark Launch”: Automotive, Brand Experience

Ogilvy & Mather: 2 Silver


Huggies (Kimberly-Clark), “No Baby Unhugged” (with Mindshare): Personal Care, Renaissance

BBDO Toronto: 1 Bronze


Skittles (Wrigley Canada), “Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop”: Seasonal Marketing

Cleansheet Communications: 1 Bronze


Canadian Tire, “Step Up Stand Tall” (with Touche!): Olympics Marketing

Grey Canada: 1 Bronze


Ovarian Cancer Canada, “Ladyballs”: Disease Awareness & Education

Leo Burnett Toronto: 1 Bronze


Gain (P&G), “Gain by Gain”: Household Supplies & Service