The weird, the hysterical and the ugly

Did you miss last night’s Agency of the Year? It was a pretty scientific time (as in, it was hosted at the Ontario Science Centre). Each year, we ask shortlisted agencies to submit videos that make us laugh, show off their culture or just have fun. Really, there is no brief. This is just a selection of how these agencies decided to show off their creativity.

Union’s employee appreciation day

This business of advertising isn’t easy. There are people who put their blood, sweat and tears into the campaigns they produce. That’s why, when an agency like Union gets shortlisted for strategy‘s Agency of the Year awards, the painstaking time and effort that goes into the creative product is worth celebrating. And the shop knew just what gift to give its staffers for a job well done. No spoilers here, folks. Just watch the video already.

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John St. creatives never sleep, thanks to “reactvertising”

You can sleep when you’re dead. Life is meant to be filled with all-nighters, incessantly chasing clients for approvals and never letting a pop culture reference pass you by. Now you can join hundreds are dopey-eyed creatives who are making the world a surprising place, with the launch of John St.’s new “reactvertising” division. The department never sleeps as it works around the clock to create advertising that instantly reacts to world events, everyday routines and, soon, the future. No need to fear robots taking over our jobs. These guys prove that humans can work like machines too.

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Taxi goes back to basics with Project Vend

While every Tom, Dick and Harry have cashed in (pun intended) on interactive vending machines, Taxi is looking for alternative ways to “shock and awe” the consumer. It took the road less travelled with Project Vend, placing its smart vending machine around town to lie in wait for disillusioned pedestrians. Is it true? Does the agency really need an intervention?

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Leo Burnett introduces the SlapShot

Leo Burnett might be onto something here. Sure, it may have just opened up a can of workplace harassment, but its intentions are pure and they’re meant to help spark inspiration. The new internal process is so simple. Step one: give your colleague a shot of alcohol that relaxes them and wait for their guard to be let down. Step two: give them a fat slap to the face, which then removes any tired ideas from the brain and jolts them into action. How did no one think of this before?

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A Mad Man at Zulu Alpha Kilo

There’s a very good reason why Mad Men are extinct — actually, make that a dozen good reasons why the industry’s been weaned of chain-smoking, inebriated and (admittedly) chauvinistic agency folk . Though it seems one has slipped through the cracks at Zulu Alpha Kilo as this video so vividly shows. Warning: if you have a child milling about or your office is one of those open-concept designs, then this might not be for you.

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DDB employees read mean tweets

Celebs aren’t the only ones to feel the painful effects of malicious tweets. Sometimes, creatives hurt, too. In this video, DDB writers and art directors were asked to read out loud negative tweets from sharp-tongued consumers. The reactions range from creatives in utter disbelief to some on the brink of tears and others laughing uncontrollably as they attempt to get the nonsensical tweets out. So remember people, if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it on social media. Or else you’ll end up watching the repercussions of your words in a video like this.

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Lg2 finds the real cause of marketing woes

Ever wonder which genius decided to cancel your amazing creative idea? Or who pulled the plug on that exotic shoot you were so excited for? Lg2’s got the answer. Just watch – we don’t want to spoil things.

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What the Fuck is going on at Cossette?

Something’s up at Cossette. This “not knowing” has gotten the best of some of us, as we resort to cussing in order to get our frustrations out. Because, seriously, what the F#$K is going on at Cossette? Perhaps this video, with cameos from industry peeps Carlos Moreno and Peter Ignazi (BBDO), Mark Smyka (Cossette) Chris Van Dyke (School Editing), and a couple random stars from your favourite Canuck show growing up (you’ll have to watch to see who).

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For more laughs, watch this blooper reel below.

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